Thursday, January 14, 2010


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Saturday, September 12, 2009


WE NEED MEDICAL TOURISM and you can profit along with the providers and their patients.

Medical surgical procedure performed by highly qualified doctors in facilities that can be more advanced than in some US destinations. The industry allows us to have a vacation in an exotic country, recover in a five-star resort or luxury yacht in complete anonymity, and then return home having spent less than the procedure alone would cost in America. Over 6Million proposed to go abroad in 2010 compared to .5 M in 2005.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Medical Tourism - Medical Tourism India - Healthcare Tourism

Medical Tourism - Medical Tourism India - Healthcare Tourism

Medical tourism can be broadly defined as the provision of 'cost effective' private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical and other forms of specialized treatment. The process of healthcare tourism is jointly facilitated by the corporate sector involved in medical and healthcare as well as the tourism industry - both private and public.

Medical tourism has become a common form of vacationing, and covers a broad spectrum of medical services. Medical tourism mixes leisure, fun and relaxation together with wellness and healthcare.

A combination of many factors has lead to the recent increase in popularity of medical tourism. Exorbitant cost of healthcare and medical facilities in advanced countries, ease and affordability of international travel, favorable currency exchange rates in the global economy, rapidly improving technology and high standards of medical care in the developing countries has all contributed their share to this rapid development of medical tourism.

India has originated as one of the most important hubs for medical toursim.Many people from the developed countries come to India for the rejuvenation promised by yoga and Ayurvedic massage however, a nice blend of top-class medical expertise at attractive prices is helping more and more Indian corporate hospitals to lure foreign patients, including patients from developed nations such as the UK and the US, for high end surgeries like Cardiac ByPass Surgery or a Knee/Hip Replacement.

As more and more patients from Europe, the USA and other affluent nations with high medical costs look for effective options, healthcare tourism in India is definitely on the cards for most of them and the fast growing Indian corporate health sector is fully geared to meet that need.

Not just cost savings or the high standard of medical care facility, but also the waiting time is much lower for any treatment in India than in any other country. Medical help is often an emergency and situations can turn worse if the treatment is delayed. While you might have to wait for several months to get a surgical operation done in the US, in India things can be arranged within a week.
Medical Tourism in India - at a glance

* Low cost medical treatment
* High quality medical care
* Low wait time for critical treatments
* Fluent English speaking staff

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Medical Help

Respected Sir/ Madam

I would like to inform you that we also into field of Medical tourism so if you can send your private patient to India we will take care of their medical treatment. I would like to inform you that we our register with several Hospital in New Delhi some of Hospital are:
1. Indraprasth Apollo hospital (Apollo)
2. Max Health Care
3. Metro Heart Institute
4. Primus Super Speciality Hospital
5. Artemis hospital
6. Paras Hospital
7. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute

I would request you please send us queries of patient and we will make sure they get best treatment hare in India at best price. Trust me we will take care of your patient.

Need Medical help in India send us your queries we will get you best treatment at best price you spend $10000 on per child By sending them to India you'll spending only half of it call us 00919717037775 or mail us

Kindly please reply to this mail so that we can start doing business.

Thanking you

Kartikey Agnihotri
Silk Route Health Pvt. LTD.

You can contact us on 00919717037775 or

Monday, August 24, 2009

Medical Tourism in India

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Medical Tourism in India

For many, India isn't the first place that comes to mind when it comes time to have medical procedure done. Overcrowding and worries about sanitation can be a deterrent to getting treatment in India. Yet, in reality, this is a misconception about the level of care available in Indian hospitals.

The medical infrastructure and technology of India's hospitals is actually on par with that of Europe and the United States. India enjoys some of the best hospitals and treatment centers in the world, not to mention being a key player in biomedical research. The government has encouraged these developments, hoping to turn India into a global health destination, and India's education system turns out tens of thousands of highly qualified doctors and nurses each year.

Despite this level of quality, prices for treatment in India are some of the lowest in any of the countries popular with medical tourists. Many procedures can be done in India for a tenth of the cost of those done in the U.S, and most can be arranged to be done within less than a week, avoiding long waits for necessary surgeries.

Aside from medical treatment, India is also a popular tourist destination. India is a large country with a fascinating history and wealth of cultural diversity. Visitors can also relax with yoga and Ayurvedic massage to help speed their recovery. India is also home to the famous Taj Mahal as well as miles of beaches with aquamarine water and beautiful mountain retreats. Many package deals are available for those wishing to relieve themselves of the hassle of arranging their own accommodations and activities in a foreign land.

Introduction to Medical Tourism

While travel isn't the first thing that comes to mind when contemplating going under the knife, going abroad for many medical treatments can actually be an incredibly beneficial experience. The term commonly applied to this kind of travel is medical tourism and as costs for even simple procedures rise, it's becoming an increasingly popular choice for people all over the world.

Costs for dental work, cosmetic surgery, and a variety of other medical treatments abroad can be as little as a tenth of the cost of the same treatment at home. Many countries actively promote medical tourism and offer incredibly competitive rates along with other benefits. There are also numerous companies that specialize in arranging medical tourism packages for you, which combine surgery with a restful vacation, all for less than you would spend if you opted to have the procedure done at home. It's little wonder why this practice is becoming so popular.

Medical tourism can also be a boon for those who can't get the treatment they need in a timely manner. In some instances, the wait for a major surgery can be as long as a year which isn't exactly a recipe for happy or healthy patients. These long waits are often a deciding factor for those who choose to seek treatment elsewhere, as in most countries where medical tourism thrives wait times are short or nonexistent. This allows patients to get the care they need sooner and at a time when it is convenient for them.

Many people are reluctant to travel for surgery because they are concerned about the quality of care they will receive away from home, but in reality a majority of these fears are unfounded. While there will always be facilities that are decidedly below par, a majority are top notch and in cases might be better than those at home. Many doctors that participate in medical tourism have been trained in the United States and Europe and many are certified with highly prestigious medical associations. Hospitals are often corporately owned, and as such are very competitive and will often exceed expectations of care and comfort.

Medical tourism also affords the chance to get in a little sightseeing before or after your treatment. You can spend your recovery relaxing under an umbrella on a scenic beach or a mountain resort or even just enjoying the benefits of a high class hotel's room service. In some places, medical tourism packages may be all inclusive, providing you with medical staff on call at your lodgings.

Benefits of Medical Tourism

With state of the art medical facilities so close to home why travel thousands of miles to get treatment somewhere else? There are a number of reasons why traveling for medical reasons can actually be better for your health (and your wallet) than staying at home. In fact, it's becoming a more and more popular option with people from around the globe. It could be more than worth your time to figure out if medical tourism could benefit you as well.

One of the primary benefits of medical tourism is the huge potential for savings. Even when the cost of the plane ticket and lodgings for the weeks that you are there are added in, treatment in a foreign country can still be significantly cheaper than back home. In some places, the cost can be as little as a tenth of what it would cost to have the same treatment in your home country. Dental work provides the greatest overall savings, but other cosmetic and major surgeries can be had at a significant discount as well. Often, unlike hospitals in the U.S., hospitals abroad are willing to give you an estimate of the cost up front, as they know no matter what they charge it's still going to be cheaper than you would pay in your home country. This can help you to avoid many of the hidden costs that can be associated with surgery. It should also be noted that some insurers will cover overseas surgeries. Check with your insurance provider to see if you are eligible to have these costs covered so you won't be paying it all out of pocket.

Availability and lack of a wait is also a major benefit of taking your treatment abroad. Wait times for surgery can be months or up to a year in some cases and those needing treatment more quickly might actually be better served by seeking treatment elsewhere. Most surgeries whether major or cosmetic can be scheduled within a few days or weeks if done in a less overburdened foreign hospital. Whether you have a pressing need due to personal comfort and quality of life, or if you simply want to get it taken care of more quickly, medical tourism can be a great way to more easily and quickly get the attention you need.

Though it might come as a surprise to some, one benefit to traveling for medical reasons is that you may actually be able to get better and more personal care at a foreign hospital than you can get at home. Many hospitals specialize in medical tourism, and in order to draw in customers they provide exceptional quality and service. Depending on your destination you have the opportunity to get treatment from some of the best doctors in their field, many of which will have been trained at prestigious institutions abroad. Equipment and facilities are actually very comparable to those in the U.S., and patients will often find that they can afford a more luxurious hospital stay abroad than they could at home.

Medical tourism isn't just about getting more reasonably priced medical care; it's also a great way to spend your recovery in a relaxing and beautiful environment, free from the ringing phone and responsibilities that could plague your recovery at home. You will have the opportunity to spend your recuperation time under an umbrella on the beach or shopping in luxury boutiques. The savings on the surgery can also allow you to bring along friends or family members and still pay less than you would have at home. Bringing along familiar faces can also help make getting treatment in a foreign country less intimidating. Many package deals are also available which can help you easily bundle your treatment in with sightseeing, massages, and spa treatments.

Medical tourism isn't a perfect solution to combating rising medical costs but for many it can be a much more rewarding experience than dealing with medical facilities at home. Not to mention it has the added benefit of a vacation afterwards. Depending on your situation the benefits of seeking treatment away from your home country can actually outweigh the risks, and medical tourism can be an incredibly rewarding way to get your medical car